Roberts Wesleyan College-Community Orchestra

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Paul Shewan, conductor

For over 30 years, 美高梅mgm平台的交响乐团与罗伯茨卫斯理学院音乐系有着丰富的合作 & 表演艺术和来自周边社区的技艺高超的音乐家. As we engage, educate, and excite students and community members, 美高梅mgm平台的乐团在音乐和节目方面不断达到新的水平. 这可能是这个组合最好的地方:它永远不会停止增长. 美高梅mgm平台希望能培养演奏者和观众对交响乐曲目的喜爱和欣赏.

Every year, the RWCCO provides opportunities to see and hear:

  • recognized, 包括大卫·金在内的专业音乐家担任乐团的独奏家, concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra; and Allen Vizzutti, trumpet virtuoso
  • student concerto/aria competition winners
  • an educational concert, 为学校提供近900名儿童免费体验现场管弦乐队演奏和学习乐器的机会
  • 门罗县及其他地区的人都能享受到且负担得起的现场管弦乐体验

Season Schedule

Sample Recordings of the Ensemble (click links for audio):

Special Guests

Some description



Ben Heppner, world-renowned tenor, working with students and alumni


Allen Vizzutti, trumpet virtuoso, performing with the RWCCO



Dorothy Bellas

Instrument: Violin

Status: Roberts Alumna
Graduated from Roberts: 2017 (Bachelor of Arts in Music, violin)
Number of Seasons: 4

我喜欢RWCCO,因为它给了我成长为音乐家的机会. The music we’ve performed has been just challenging enough to do so. I’ve also enjoyed getting to know different members of the community.

我加入RWCCO是作为音乐专业学生的要求之一, however, it’s grown into something much more than a degree requirement. 我喜欢拉小提琴,更喜欢和别人一起创作音乐. Because of this, I hope to continue playing with the RWCCO after graduation, as long as I remain in the area.

我最喜欢的一场音乐会是一年一度的教育音乐会,美高梅mgm平台为挤满了三年级学生的礼堂举办. I love seeing how excited and enthusiastic they all are. 这让我想起我在他们这个年纪的时候,准备选择演奏哪一种乐器. 我也喜欢在圣诞晚会上演奏,特别是因为美高梅mgm平台可以和合唱团一起表演


David Ciarvella

Instrument: Timpani and Percussion (Principal)

Status: Community Musician (formerly a student musician)
Graduated from RWC: 2000 (Music Education - Percussion)
Number of Seasons: 23 (1989/90 - 1991/92; 1993/94 - 1997/98; 2002/03 - Present) I am also currently in my 13th season as Orchestra Manager.

“我喜欢RWCCO,因为它是最优秀的社区乐团.  I am a big believer in the College-Community Orchestra concept; and because of this, RWCCO与大多数其他当地社区乐团相比处于另一个水平. 我曾在大罗切斯特地区的一些社区管弦乐队演奏, and have found the RWCCO to be the best in terms of repertoire, musicianship, leadership and organization; however, most of all, 这是一个邀请和友好的环境,在这里可以和很棒的人一起制作伟大的音乐. The time that I spend on stage in Hale Auditorium, 和RWCCO的同事一起创作音乐是我一周中最美好的两个半小时. The RWCCO is more than just a musical outlet or hobby for me, it is my passion; my life."


Emily Bartz Hutchinson

Instrument: Flute

Status: Community Musician
Graduated from RWC: 2017 (Bachelor of Science in Music Performance, Flute)
Number of Seasons: 2016 - Present

我在2016年1月转学到罗伯茨的第一天就加入了RWCCO. 在我与RWCCO的第一次排练中,我可以看到这是一个特殊的合奏. 许多指挥家陷入了把音乐选择的难度降低到合奏团现有能力的怪圈. When unchallenged, an ensemble’s performance level declines in energy, passion, and technical ability. Dr. Shewan has a refreshingly different approach to selecting repertoire. Instead of lowering his standard, he raises ours. He holds us to a level of excellence and pushes our technical limits, so we are constantly growing in artistry. 我认为这是这个乐团最好的地方:它永远不会停止成长.

Playing with the RWCCO is also just a lot of fun. I can clearly picture Dr. 谢万在排练中从舞台上跳下来,跑到礼堂后面去听,以保持平衡. As we played, 美高梅mgm平台会时不时地看到他的手从大厅里不同的椅子后面伸出来, still directing us. 虽然排练是专注和具有挑战性的,但他们也充满了灵感和笑声.

The RWCCO has taught me that great music is not perfect technique. It is story-telling. It’s singing. It’s connecting. 它是与其他大学和社区成员一起,从无到有创造美丽的东西. It was under Dr. 在Shewan的指导下,我首先开始把耳朵从自己身上拿开,倾听周围发生的一切——在舞台上和观众中每一个人的大背景下表演. 音乐本质上是公共的,充满了从日常生活之美中发现的灵感. And, I must say, everyday life at Roberts is beautiful!”


Mona Seghatoleslami

Instrument: Viola

Status: Community Musician
Graduated from Illinois State University & Indiana University: 2003, 2007 (Bachelor of Music, MA in Musicology & Masters of Library Science)
Number of Seasons: 5

在RWCCO演奏是真正让我与音乐联系在一起的——这听起来可能很奇怪, 因为我的很多工作都与音乐有关——为电台选择和播放音乐, booking bands at The Little Theatre Café, 采访音乐家和安排其他节目……但是在周一晚上, even when I am exhausted and punchy, it is so good to actually play music, 重新找回我对演奏中提琴的热爱,成为一群音乐家的一员,他们的工作比美高梅mgm平台自己更重要. Knowing that rehearsal is coming up each week motivates me to make that extra time in my days to get my viola out of its case and practice on my own; even when it is just a few minutes in the morning before work, I’m always happy that I do.

I love that we take on big, exciting pieces of music – things that push us technically, and more importantly, push us to be better, 更有表现力的音乐家,他们能够沟通和合作. Dr. Shewan很擅长挑战美高梅mgm平台,同时鼓励美高梅mgm平台,并有幽默感.

And look at all of us – students from all over the world, community members with all different backgrounds and experiences, 高中生和退休人员都因为美高梅mgm平台对音乐的热爱而一起工作,并通过美高梅mgm平台的表演与社区分享, including our annual school concert, 在那里,数百名小学生学习管弦乐队的所有乐器,并沉浸在听到管弦乐队现场演奏的兴奋之中.